The goal of the NCCR-MARVEL is to radically transform and accelerate invention and discovery in science and technology, and especially to transform and accelerate the design and discovery of novel materials in order to achieve improved properties and performance, or to witne...
Summer School on Materials Modeling from First Principles: Theory and Practice - UC Santa Barbara, Jul 2009
55 lectures
The school covers basic concepts and recent advances and developments. The former include ground-state calculations for isolated molecules and extended systems, pseudopotential theory and plane-wave basis sets, forces, stresses, and geometry and reaction-path optimizations, linear-response theory...
High-throughput computations: general methods and applications using AiiDA - May, 2017
4 talks
Series of four invited highlight talks originally given at the MARVEL/MaX/Psi-k Tutorial on "High-throughput computations: general methods and applications using AiiDA" held on May 29 to 31, 2017 at EPFL.
High-Performance & High-Throughput Materials Simulations using Quantum ESPRESSO and AiiDA - ICTP Trieste, Jan 2017
19 lectures
The goal of the Workshop is to enable participating scientists to combine the most advanced approaches to quantum materials simulation with an in-depth understanding of modern parallel architectures. The intensive program offers theor...
"Know Thy Neighbor" (KTN) is a series of seminars on internal research at EPFL's School of Computer & Communication Sciences. Its goal is to foster greater collaboration and mutual awareness among the labs and groups in our school, to promote a better understanding of our respective areas, the pr...